Hanchen Wang    |  Publication  |  Misc  |  Bio  |
wang.hanchen at gene.com  |  hanchenw at cs.stanford.edu


  - I value test performance and scientific insights over ineffective theories or model hypes.
  - I believe 1 remarkable paper is way more valuable than 1000 mediocre.
  - I don’t appreciate hard-working, elasticity is preferred.
  - I hire slow and fire fast.
  - I believe e/acc.

Academic Service

Teaching Assistant - Michaelmas/Lent are Cambridge's terms for Fall/Spring semesters
  - Statistical Inference, Lent '20 & '21
  - Lab: Spectrum Analysis, Michaelmas '20
  - Statistical Signal Processing, Michaelmas '19 & '20

Reviewer & Area Chair
  - Workshop proposals for NeurIPS '21, '23, '24
  - Nature Machine Intelligence, Nature Electronic, Harvard Data Science Review, IEEE TPAMI

Co-Organizer & Team Member
  - Workshop on ML for Material Discovery, ICLR '23
  - Workshop on AI for Science, NeurIPS '21 & '22; ICML '22
  - Human Cell Atlas, Data Integration Team
  - Chan Zuckerberg Initiative, Virtual Cell Team & AI Resident

Mentor - Email me if you want to work with us. We have projects for both Science and ML focuses.
  - In 2024, I start hosting interns. I'm fortunate to work with: Yichun He (Harvard SEAS PhD), Arora Rohit (Harvard Medical School PhD), Chenyu Wang (MIT CSAIL PhD), Nikil Ravi (Stanford CS MS).

Guest Lecturer - forthcoming!

Junior Editor - forthcoming!

Invited Talk

- [23.11] Human Cell Atlas
- [23.06] Tsinghua/Peking/Westlake University; Cambridge ML Group; Microsoft AI4Science; Sanger Institute; EMBL-EBI
- [23.04] Swarma Pattern
- [22.09] Genentech
- [22.06] Lennard-Jones Centre, Cambridge
- [22.02] ML/NLP Seminar, Oxford
- [21.10] Amazon Machine Learning Conference
- [21.07] Amazon-UCL Seminar
- [19.10] HackBridge Demo Day
- [19] call/pitch/pre on ''Cantab Care'', a startup I co-founded
- [18.07] Awardee Representative Speech, Cathy Xu Fellowship Awarding Event
- [18.06] Commencement Speech (Valedictorian), KYM Honors School, Nanjing University

Digital Nomad [GitHub]

I currently live in Xuzhou, Suzhou, Nanjing, Palo Alto, Berkeley, Tokyo (Chiba), Shanghai (ChangNing), Cambridge, Nice, Monaco, Istanbul, Seoul (Gangnam), Cambridge, London (Westminster), Cherry Hinton, Shanghai (HuangPu), Beijing (HaiDian), Los Angeles (Arcadia), San Diego (La Jolla), Beijing (HaiDian), Bay Area (Menlo Park).

I spent most of my teenage in Suzhou where, along with its neighbor cities, Wuxi and Shanghai, hosts the main Chinese R&D and manufacturing sites for many leading pharmas, including AstraZeneca, Eli Lilly, GSK, Pfizer, and Roche/Genentech.


The website design is inspired by Jon Barron and Dani Yogatama. Thank you!